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How can we keep the open internet….open?


There are many divergent views on what the open internet means and how it can be achieved. What is certain is that allowing customers to access the websites and applications of their choice is crucial for the development of the digital economy and for a well functioning democratic society. At the same time, some premium content such as high definition feature films need increasingly robust networks to be distributed. New business models on the internet are being explored and tested, and healthy competition between applications, devices, websites and internet access providers is key. 


Since 2009, European national regulatory authorities (NRAs) have had the power to intervene and set minimum levels of quality on internet access providers.  In addition, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have to inform customers in a transparent manner about their traffic management practices.  In case of market failure, NRA’s powers can easily be exercised. Finally, cable operators do not block or throttle content


These net neutrality rules discipline market players and give end customers the necessary safeguards against market failure.


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